I'm Naresh, a Master's student at Virginia Tech interested in AI and its impact on our lives.
Hey!, I'm Naresh, a Master's student at Virginia Tech interested in AI and its impact on our lives.
Classify MNIST using 1000 labels.
Disentanglement of style and content.
Exploring latent space with Adversarial Autoencoders.
A simple tensorflow implementation of Autoencoders.
Uses a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversial Network to generate images of roses using tensorflow.
Play pong on a local network using a BCI headset.
Developed the entire website for Neural dynamics lab at Virginia Tech
Using cGANs to perform frame rate upsampling.
Implementation of Img2Img paper.
Use adversarial action conditioned video prediction model to help play Breakout.
Predicts chronic diseases using a patients previous history.
Use artificial neural networks along with various feature selection and extraction algorithms to predict the ICU patient’s mortality.
Converts a video to a style specified by a painting using the vgg16 network.
Analyze the general opinion of a topic among people using the Twitter API and textblob.
Add noise to the operation of a fully connected deep neural network based on the institution from crosstalk in VLSI circuits.
Classifies a movie as positive or negative based on the reviews written using Logistic Regression.
Naresh Nagabushan, Nishank Sathish, Raghuram S,” Effect of Injected Noise in DeepNeural Networks,” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligenceand Computing Research (ICCIC).
Wanna Chat? Drop a note!
Blacksburg, VA
Email: rnaresh.n@gmail.com
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